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Most Common Epoxy Mistakes

Updated: Dec 12, 2023

Brittney Carbone

This video was made in partnership with TotalBoat

Gone are the days that epoxy is used solely for boat building and repair. Although its primary purpose is related to marine applications, TotalBoat has developed many kinds of epoxy that can now be utilized in artistic applications! Whether you are looking to make a decorative charcuterie board or pour a massive epoxy river table, there’s an epoxy designed specifically for your purpose. If you’re just getting into epoxy use, you may want to check out this video from Brittney Carbone and see what tips she recommends to avoid certain issues!

Before getting started with your first epoxy project, know that mistakes will be made. There are many factors that need to be taken into consideration for a successful epoxy pour and Brittney will take you through several scenarios to get you as close to making a fantastic project as possible and she’ll keep you laughing while you learn!

For example, did you know that temperature is a contributing factor for having a successful epoxy pour? There’s an exothermic reaction taking place in order for the epoxy to set up just right and it prefers to be poured in a space that is between 70℉ and 80℉. Too cold and it’ll greatly slow down the curing process and it may not ever fully cure. Brittney goes over a few ways to troubleshoot this that may be helpful if your workspace is outside or in a space without temperature regulation.

Consider enrolling in TMCU for full access to all of the educational content and follow along with Brittney for more tips and tricks on how to:

  • Choose the best epoxy type for your particular project

  • Understand different mixing ratios and techniques

  • Avoid air bubbles and different options for how to get rid of them if they sneak in

  • Make a shroud to avoid dust landing on your project while it cures

Comment below what you want to learn about epoxy next and visit our forum to post questions related to epoxy and find answers you need.

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