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Building A Mirror Frame

Updated: Dec 12, 2023

 In this video from Nathan Logsdon of Logsdon Woodworking, we learn several different methods for joining wood together to make a frame.

Nathan Logsdon

This video was made in partnership with BESSEY Tool.

Have you ever made a picture frame before? How about framed a mirror? In this video from Nathan Logsdon of Logsdon Woodworking, we learn several different methods for joining wood together to make a frame.

The “special sauce” in getting great joinery involves several things like square cuts, proper usage of wood glue, and appropriate clamping techniques. Too often, builders use way more clamping force than is necessary. With square stock and a reliable wood glue, the clamps do the work for you – not your muscles!

In this first example from Nathan, he shows us how to make a frame joined together with a classic butt joint that is later reinforced with a through-dowel. His go-to method for the glue-up is to use the BESSEY band clamp to put uniform force on each corner, which is especially useful on mitered corners, and then to follow-up with a trigger clamp to prevent any slippage.

Other options for joinery are half laps and miters with biscuits – no, not the kind you can eat! Consider enrolling in TMCU for full access to all of the educational content and #learnwithlogsdon for more tips and tricks on how to:

  • measure to account for rabbets

  • safely use a trim router and/or router table when creating the rabbet

  • apply india ink

  • install glazing points

  • “water pop” your project for a nice smooth finish

Products mentioned in this video:

Dowel joinery jig:

India ink finish:

Glazing points:


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